Prof. Akinsehinwa Akinlua

Prof. Akinsehinwa Akinlua


Email Address:

Staff: Academic Staff

Rank in the department: Professor

Short Bio, Academic, and Research Activities:

Akinsehinwa Akinlua is a Professor of Organic Geochemistry and currently the Head of Department of Chemistry, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. He is an alumnus of the prestigious Obafemi Awolowo University and University of Ibadan. He is a recipient of numerous research fellowships and awards, which include Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons postdoctoral internship award, South and East African Network of Analytical Chemists Fellowship through the support of the International Program in Chemical Sciences, National Research Foundation travel grant, Royal Society-Commonwealth Science Conference Award among others. His first ground breaking research in green chemistry that was led to the discovery that water can behave as non-polar solvent and as well as strong mineral acid. Prof. Akinlua’s research has been focused on petroleum exploration implications of organic molecules and organically bound trace elements in sedimentary organic matter. He has worked extensively on organic geochemistry of sedimentary basins in Nigeria and South Africa. He has made a significant contributions to understanding the petroleum systems of these basins. He is also engaged in green chemistry with application in geochemical exploration for petroleum. He is one of the pioneers of rare earth element geochemistry of oil and source rock. He is a reviewer for many Q1 and Q2 and other reputable journals. He is a Review Editor (organic geochemistry) of Frontiers in Geochemistry and Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Ife Journal of Science and Technology. He served as a member of Scientific Committee of the Afro-Asian Association of Petroleum Geochemists.

Office/Room Number: Room 123

Area of Specialization: Organic Geochemistry

Current Research Projects for Postgraduate Students:

(i) Petroleum geochemistry of sedimentary basins in Nigeria and South Africa.
(ii) Isolation and characterization of potential medicinal organic compounds from crude oils.
(iii) Development of green analytical protocols for organic geochemical analyses.

List of Selected Publications (with DOI Number or a Hyperlink):

Akinlua, A., Ajayi, T. R., Adeleke, B. B. (2006). Niger Delta oil
geochemistry: insight from light hydrocarbons. Journal of Petroleum Science
and Engineering, 50(3- 4), 308 – 314.
Akinlua, A., Ajayi, T. R., Adeleke, B. B. (2007). Organic and inorganic
geochemistry of Northwestern Niger Delta. Geochemical Journal, 41(4),
271 – 281.
Akinlua, A., Torto, N., Ajayi, T. R. (2008). Supercritical fluid extraction of
aliphatic hydrocarbons from Niger Delta sedimentary rock. The Journal of
Supercritical Fluids, 45, 57 – 63.
Akinlua, A., Torto, N., Ajayi, T. R. (2008). Determination of rare earth
elements in Niger Delta crude oils by inductively coupled plasma – mass
spectrometry. Fuel, 87, 1469 – 1477.
Akinlua, A., Smith, R. M. (2009). High temperature steam extraction for the
determination of aliphatic hydrocarbons in petroleum source rock.
Chromatographia, 69, 1333 – 1339.
Akinlua, A., Smith, R. M. (2010). Subcritical water extraction of trace metals
from petroleum source rock. Talanta, 81, 1346 – 1349.
Akinlua, A., Adekola, S. A., Swakamisa, O., Fadipe, O. A., Akinyemi, S. A.
(2010).Trace metals characterisation of Cretaceous Orange Basin hydrocarbon
source rocks. Applied Geochemistry, 25, 1587 – 1595.
Akinlua, A., Sigedle, A., Buthelezi, T., Fadipe, O. A. (2015). Trace element
geochemistry of crude oils and condensates from South African Basins.
Marine and Petroleum Geology, 59, 286-293.
Atoyebi, A.O., Adekola, S. a., Akinlua, A. (2017). Tricyclic terpane geochemistry of
source rocks from northwestern and central Niger Delta. Petroleum Science and
Technology, 35, 2094-2101.
Akinlua, A., Jochmann, M. A., Lorenzo-Parodi, N., Stojanovic, N., Kaziur, W.,
Schmidt, T. C. (2019). A green approach for extraction of diamondoids from
petroleum source rock. Analytica Chimica Acta, 1091, 23-29.
Lawal, O., Adekola, S. A., Akinlua, A. (2021). Occurrence of naphthenate
deposition in crude oil production field offshore Niger Delta. Journal of Petroleum
Exploration and Production Technology, 11, 531-537.
Akinlua, A., Dada, O. R., Usman, F. O., Adekola, S.A. (2022). Source rock
geochemistry of central and northwestern Niger Delta: inference from aromatic
hydrocarbons content. Energy Geoscience.

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