Professor Festus Adebiyi

Professor Festus Adebiyi


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Staff: Academic Staff

Rank in the department: Professor

Short Bio, Academic, and Research Activities:

Festus M. Adebiyi holds a BTech degree from the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria; MSc, PhD (Chemistry), and MBA degrees from Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife, Nigeria. He also holds a certification in Leadership (The University of Queensland, Australia); Negotiation (University of Michigan, USA); Innovation & Scaling (Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands); Strategic Management (Indian Institute of Management, India); Systems Applications and Products (openSAP, Germany); Project Management (Alison, Ireland); Business Communication Skill (Alison, Ireland), and French Language Studies (Alison, Ireland). He is a Professor of Analytical/Environmental and Petroleum Chemistry with years of cogent experience in teaching, research, and community development at the Department of Chemistry, OAU, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. He has been a Visiting Don at Wesley University of Science and Technology, Ondo, Nigeria, and Elizade University, Ilara-Mokin, Nigeria. As a cultured University Teacher and Mentor, he was given the Best Supportive Lecturer Award by the Students Chemical Society, OAU Branch. He has completed supervision of crops of Masters and PhD Research Students, and he presently has over a hundred publications in peer-reviewed journals. He has also served in many administrative positions in his Institution, including the Vice Dean of his Faculty. He has also received the prestigious Commonwealth Research Fellowship/Postdoctoral study tenable at the Bangor University, UK. He also awarded Wolfson Foundation Research Fellowship (The Open University, UK), and Research & Development Consultant Fellowship (Dangote Petroleum Refinery & Petrochemicals, Nigeria). He has acquired research grants among which is the International Grant (TWAS-COSMTECH Research Grant for Individual Scientist). He also twice attained the 2nd best position of the Dapo Afolabi Most Productive Science Scholar in his Faculty. He has been a Guest Speaker in many academic and public fora. He serves as a Reviewer for many national and international scholarly journals; an Internal Examiner to some Departments/Institutes in his University, and an External Examiner/Assessor to some Institutions in Nigeria. He is also active in consultancy. Professor Festus M. Adebiyi is a member/Fellow of many national and international professional bodies.

Office/Room Number: 102A

Area of Specialization: Analytical/Environmental and Petroleum Chemistry

Current Research Projects for Postgraduate Students:

(i) Upgrading of Nigerian Oil sand Bitumen to Refinery Feed stocks in an Inert Atmosphere using Locally Fabricated Pyrolysis Reactor

(ii) Recycling of Used Lubricating Oils using Locally Constructed Packed-Bed Reactor

(iii) Production of fuels from plastic wastes using a locally fabricated pyrolyzer

(iv) Liquid-Liquid-Mediated Extraction of Metals and Desulphurization of Crude Oil/bitumen using Ionic liquids

List of Selected Publications (with DOI Number or a Hyperlink):

  1. Olalekan, E.O and Adebiyi, F.M (2020) Measurement of radioactivity levels in oil impacted soils around petroleum products retailing stations, Petroleum Science and Technology, 38:1, 53-63, DOI: 10.1080/10916466.2019.1656240
  2. Adebiyi, F.M; Ore, O.T and Ogunjimi. I.O (2020): Evaluation of human health risk assessment of potential toxic metals in commonly consumed crayfish (Palaemon hastatus) in Nigeria, Heliyon, 6(1) 1-6,

iii. Adegunwa, A.O; Adebiyi, F.M and Asubiojo, O.I (2020): Evaluating Aerial Pollution using Rainwater Chemistry for Sustainable Environmental Development, Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 31(3), 713-739.

  1. Adebiyi, F.M and Ore, O.T (2020). EDXRF analysis and risks assessment of potentially toxic elements in sand fraction (tailing) of Nigerian Oil sands, Energy, Ecology and Environment,
  2. Adebiyi, F.M; Ore, O.T; Akhigbe, G.E and Adegunwa, A.O (2020): Metal fractionation in the soils around a refined petroleum products depot, Environmental Forensics, 1-12,
  3. Adebiyi, F.M (2020). Paraffin Wax Precipitation/Deposition and Mitigating Measures in Oil and Gas Industry: A Review, Petroleum Science and Technology, 38(21), 962-971, DOI: 10.1080/10916466.2020.1804400

vii Torimiro, N; Akhigbe, G.E and Adebiyi, F.M (2020): Bioprospecting of potential petroleum hydrocarbon degraders using bacterial strains isolated from soils around transformer installation areas, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, DOI: 10.1080/15567036.2020.1815906

viii. Godswill E. Akhigbe, Festus M. Adebiyi and N. Torimiro (2020). The impact of used transformer oil on the physicochemical characteristics and persistent organic pollutant levels in soils around transformer installation areas, Soil and Environment, 39(2): 173-183, DOI:10.25252/SE/2020/162338

  1. Torimiro, N; Akhigbe, G.E and Adebiyi, F.M (2020). Bioprospecting of potential petroleum hydrocarbon degraders using bacterial strains isolated from soils around transformer installation areas, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects,
  2. Ore, T.O and Adebiyi, F.M (2021): A review on current trends and prospects in the pyrolysis of heavy oils. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production, DOI:
  3. Joshua, H.O; Asubiojo, O.I; Oluwole, F.O and Adebiyi, F.M (2021). Measurement and Dispersion Modelling of Vehicular Emission Pollutants along Highway for Sustainable Environmental Quality, Environmental Forensic,


xii. Adebiyi, F.M; Ore, O.T; Adeola, A.O; Durodola, S.S; Akeremale, O.F; Olubodun, K.O and Akeremale, O.K (2021): Occurrence and remediation of naturally occurring radioactive materials in Nigeria: a review, Environmental Chemistry Letter,, 1-20

xiii. Adebiyi, F.M; Ore, T.O and Upadhyay, S.B (2021). Distribution pattern and Source Apportionment of Potentially Toxic Metals in Refined Petroleum Products, Environmental Forensic. DOI:

xiv. Adebiyi, F.M; Ore, T.O; Adegunwa, A.O and Akhigbe, G.E (2021). Source Apportionment and Ecological Risk Assessment of Potentially Toxic Metals in Kerosene-contaminated Soils, Environmental Forensic, DOI:

  1. Adebiyi F.M and Ore O.T (2021): Assessing highway-related metal pollution using surface soil and tree bark as indicators, Environmental Forensics, DOI: 10.1080/15275922.2021.1976314

xvi. Adebiyi F.M and Yoade R.O (2021). Thermodynamic study of the removal of heavy metal ions from heavy oils using tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide pentahydrate ionic liquid, Petroleum Research Journal,  DOI:

xvii. Adebiyi, F.M and Ayeni, D.A (2021). Chemical speciation, bioavailability and risk assessment of potentially toxic metals in soils around petroleum product marketing company as environmental pollution indicators, Petroleum Research Journal, DOI:

xviii. Adebiyi, F.M and Ayeni, D.A (2021). Excess forensic lifetime cancer risk assessment of soils around petroleum product marketing company using gamma ray spectrometry, Academia Letters, Article 3041.

vix. Omirin, M. O; Adebiyi, F.M and O.S. Ajayi (2021): Classical Analysis and Spectroscopic Elucidation of Humic Substances Extracted from Oil Sand Bitumen in Ondo State Nigeria, Solid Fuel Chemistry, 55(6), 420-428

  1. Adebiyi, F.M (2021). An Insight into Asphaltene Precipitation, Deposition and Management Stratagems in Petroleum Industry, Journal of Pipeline Science and Engineering, 1(4), 419-427, DOI:, 1-30

xxi. Adebiyi, F.M and Oyedele, J.T (2022): Liquid-Liquid-Mediated Extraction of Metals from Crude Oils using Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide Pentahydrate Ionic Liquid, Petroleum Science and Technology, 40(7), 787-802, DOI:

xxii. Adebiyi, F.M (2022). Air quality and management in petroleum refining industry: A review, Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, 4, 89-96, DOI:

xxiii. Adebiyi, F.M. (2022): Exploration of Flue Gas Effluent in Petroleum Refining Processes, Environmental Claims Journal, 1-8, DOI: 10.1080/10406026.2022.2029044

xiv. Adebiyi, F.M; Olalekan, E.O; Ore, O.T and Adegunwa, A.O (2022). Speciation, source identification, and risk assessments of potentially toxic metals in oil-impacted soils around petroleum products retailing stations, Petroleum Research Journal, doi:

xxv. Ayeni, D.A and Adebiyi, F.M (2022). Evaluation of Natural Radioactivity and Radiation Hazards of Soils around Petroleum Products Marketing Company using Gamma-Ray Spectrometry, Tanzania Journal of Science 48(2): 304-312,


xxvi Adebiyi, F.M; Ore, O.T and Alonge, O.T (2022): Desulphurization of crude oil using caustic soda: process modelling and optimization, Petroleum Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1080/10916466.2022.2108444

xvii. Adebiyi, F.M, Ore, O.T and Ojile, F.J (2022) Evaluation of potentially toxic elements and bromate levels in bread commonly consumed in Nigeria for human health risk assessment, Journal of Trace Elements and Minerals, 2 (2022) 100016,

xxviii. Adebiyi, F.M; Ore, O.T and Afe, F.A (2022). Assaying of lube oil and petroleum distillation cuts for associated naphthenic acids and other selected properties, Chemical Papers Journal,

xxix. Anupam K, Akinmade D, Kasbergen C, Erkens S, Adebiyi F (2022). A state-of-the-art review of Natural bitumen in pavement: Underlining challenges and the way forward, Journal of Cleaner Production, doi:

xxx. Adegunwa, A.O; Adebiyi, F.M; Asubiojo, I.O and Ore, O.T (2022). Chemical Speciation, Bioavailability and Risk Assessments of Potentially Toxic Metals in Rainwaters as Indicators of Air Pollution, Pollution Journal. Accepted article (POLL-202208-1573)

xxxi. Ore, O.T and Adebiyi, F.M (2023) Thermogravimetric Characteristics and Pyrolysis Kinetics of Nigerian Oil Sands, American Chemical Society (ACS) Omega:

xxxii. Ore, O.T; Adeola, A.O; Fapohunda, O; Adedipe, D.T; Bayode, A.A & Adebiyi, F.M (2023). Humic substances derived from unconventional resources: extraction, properties, environmental impacts, and prospects, Environmental Science and Pollution Research

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